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Tag Archives: snaptacular

Long road!


Hey everyone! ;D isn’t today awesome? I mean apart from the fact there was meant to be snow here in England, and there wasn’t 😦 but still another day, another photo 😀

This photograph was taken further up the road from yesterday’s one and combines HDR with some subtle editing to give the trees a silhouette appearance 🙂 hope you enjoy

p.s If anyone would like to display their photos on this blog I would be happy to give them credit if they simply email me with the photo or a link to the photo as well as any personal details eg. Name, country Etc 🙂 the email is

The Life and Times of a Flower


Hey Everyone! I got a post for you! I took this around a week ago, back when these plants hadn’t been eaten by my cat which will seemingly eat anything, and I decided that this would be an amazing post to add to the collection! I hope you enjoy it!

Oh by the way, I forgot to make a poll on what you want next week on yesterdays post… So here it is!

The Shining Lights Of London.

Hello! Sorry for not posting yesterday and the day before 😦 There were some complications with the London thing and I had to get home early and it was difficult, and confusing and tiring. But I’ve finally got a computer back and so I can post again and here is another photo of later on in the day in London 🙂 I took this just after going to a very nice Chinese Restaurant called “Hong Kong Buffet” which had been visited by Gok Wan! (My sister went mad over that) But anyway this place is amazing for photos and cheap food!

Defining a Life.

So this picture was a bit of an experiment/project as well as a piece of photography! 🙂 It is supposed to be the objects that represent my sisters life at the moment! From the statuette cat that shows her artistic as well as cat like side, to the Foster The People Album that she listens to all the time 😉 To me it looks almost dream-like with the glittering background and the flare in the foreground!

Sitting on the grassy Hillside!

Today’s photo is of my friend (well sister’s friend) Sitting down at the country park not too far from my park! 🙂

I’ve lived in the same place all my life and I only learnt about this place around a year ago! It’s around five times bigger than the other one (I have some photos of a lake, that’s the park) and It’s much more natural and you can actually see the difference throughout the year and it is massive! I am planning to start a photo-montage of the area where I take the same picture everyday for a year then merge it together till I have 365 days! 😀 This will start on January the 1st!

Oh by the way, next weeks photos are of objects! Thanks for voting 🙂

Twelve more Hours!

The poll for the theme next week is going to close at 23:00 tonight! so get voting! 😀

Sandy Feet.

Hello! How are you today(or night! ) My foot is finally getting better and from the looks of it I’ll be up and taking some more snaps in no time! (tomorrow hopefully)

Anyway, for now here is another image I took whilst in Cumbria of my sister wandering across a seemingly endless beach 🙂 The one thing that doesn’t come across in this shot is that it was around 5 degrees Celsius and we were fighting against a gale force wind! Oh, did I mention it was Summer? 😛 Who doesn’t love Britain’s weather? Another weird thing in this snap is the small squiggly things all over the sand! You can see them in the foreground of the picture and it would be really cool if someone actually told me what they were! haha! anyway! have a good night! (or day, depending on when you read this and where you are! :P)

Edit: Hey! you know that competition I told all you guys about? (2 or 3 posts ago) Well I may have accidentally given you the wrong email address :O What can I say? It was late! Anyway I changed it to the right one, but in case you can’t be bothered to scroll down, here is the right address 🙂 please send here as soon as possible! I’ll close this competition on Saturday next week so get editing!

Poll time!

Okay so there are two important question I need answered today!

1. What theme do you guys want next week?(don’t be afraid to answer other!)

2. What style do you prefer? (I know I asked before but just bumping it to the top)

Eye see you.

Do you get it? because “eye” do! Puns aside, these snaps were all taken some time within the week and, rather than just posting a whole album and having to figure out a whole new feature of the website, I decided to make one massive collage of some of the best! 😀

admittedly they are not all of the highest quality and the theme this week is humans so my cats eyes probably should be excluded, but I saw this as a unique way of displaying the snaps as well as also improving my knowledge on all the editing tools! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! 😉

Best laid plans…

Okay, so this is the plan for my website from here on in, thanks to your suggestions this website has dramatically improved since it was established 4 days ago… Ahh, feels like yesterday! Anyway, it’s definitely going to be on the up and up!

One suggestion, that I was given was to every week give you the vote for a theme for the following weeks photos! I thought this was a brilliant Idea so from here on in I will be having a poll for the next week’s photo’s themes! This week it’ll be London, since there’s no time to vote, and I have pictures to spare, but On his post will also be a poll for what theme you wanted next week! If you want any others to be voted upon, just add it to the poll and it’ll be seen 🙂

On another note, the basics of the site is that, at least once a day a photograph will be posted by me, but on top of that I might also display fan work, ie. If you want me to post some of your photography just get in contact through either the facebook page, twitter page or the email account,
of course it doesn’t have to just be pictures! It could be paintings, or just your views on the site 🙂
If I find I have to many photos, I will also be posting them 🙂

This page will continue to grow thanks to your snaptacular ideas, and with any luck, this site will be even more enjoyable for both of us!