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Tag Archives: update

I’m Back!

Hey Guys! After 2 months of nothing I’ve finally decided to get this old thing up and running again! It will be AWESOME! I hope everyone enjoys the new photos and there will be plenty more for you to contribute to to make this fun and exciting for all of us! πŸ˜€

If any of you have any photography of your own you want to get out there feel free to email me at with any additional details you want to add eg. Title for pic, name, country! Thankyou and the first photographs will be up on Monday! πŸ˜‰

edit: If you want updates on when there’s a new post you can either subscribe Β to the RSS feed; follow the account on twitter, @snapsticle OR subscribe to the email notifications to your left πŸ˜‰ I mean right! :O

Sitting on the grassy Hillside!

Today’s photo is of my friend (well sister’s friend) Sitting down at the country park not too far from my park! πŸ™‚

I’ve lived in the same place all my life and I only learnt about this place around a year ago! It’s around five times bigger than the other one (I have some photos of a lake, that’s the park) and It’s much more natural and you can actually see the difference throughout the year and it is massive! I am planning to start a photo-montage of the area where I take the same picture everyday for a year then merge it together till I have 365 days! πŸ˜€ This will start on January the 1st!

Oh by the way, next weeks photos are of objects! Thanks for voting πŸ™‚